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You would like to register your own vendor stall for our neighbourhood party? Sell used clothing, decorations, books, DVDs, and much more.
Want to sell a few items but not run your own booth? No problem! At the 'Bring & Buy' stall, you can drop off your items and set the desired price.
“Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung Herten” not only gets its own info clip, but also its own song. Teil dieser Stadt (eng.: Part of this City) is a song by Philipp Artmann that was written and produced exclusively for km2 Bildung Herten. (Video created by Jonas Prinz). English subtitles will be added soon. English subtitles available!
“Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung Herten” – What is it about, who is involved and how does the project operate in the location in particular? You can get a little insight from our new info video (video created by Jonas Prinz). English subtitles available!